Facial Cupping Face Therapy Treatment Bareilly

Facial Cupping Face Therapy Treatment Bareilly

The benefits of facial massage

We sometimes notice that our faces look pale and without glow, especially when we first get up in the morning. We can’t help but to frown in everyday stresses and this causes us to look older than our real age. Most women have tried some form of anti-aging creams to get rid of wrinkles. Some help but others do not. Others apply make up to give their faces color and hope that they would look healthier and younger. However, what we need to understand is that the pale, swollen and lack of color and tone is due to the poor circulation of blood in our facial skin. Wrinkles also result form tension and stressful activities as we tend to overuse our facial muscles, even when we don’t realize we are doing it. The answer to great looking skin lies in the benefits of facial massage you can achieve without breaking the bank.

Facial massage is the best form of natural therapy that can give our skins glow and tone. Just like any other type of massages, it gives a relaxing feeling, relieves tension and promotes good circulation of the blood to your face. It is also called an anti-aging treatment because it reduces wrinkles and tightens facial muscles. The benefits of Facial massage also includes that it normalize the moisture balance of the skin, helps in reducing impurities and toxins and increase radiance.

Healthy glowing skin is only one benefit of a facial massage, but many of us have always dreamed of a skin such as this. It doesn’t mean that it is always pimple and blemish free though. Many would agree that the look of a glowing skin, free of make-up is much more alluring, and this is very possible to achieve when you focus on increasing your circulation as extra oxygen and nutrients to the cells equal great looking skin!

Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Skin Get a Life Face Combo Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage
Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage – While facial massages are great way to remove the daily stresses and strains from your face and restore that healthy youthful glow to your skin, nothing comes close to the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage System, which are our hand-squeezed vacuum suction cups based on the treatment successes of Ancient Chinese Cupping. This system offers optimal stimulation of skin and underlying tissues and the most relaxing, deep, comfortable massage for your face.

Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial MassageKISS AWAY THE TEARS
Use it to cleanse pores, tone skin and remove excess oil and dirt by penetrating deep below the skin’s surface.
Use it to stimulate blood supply to the skin and increase its’ suppleness.
Use it to increase your skin’s resistance to harmful elements.
Use it to help firm flabby skin.
Use it to improve and soften scar tissue.
Use it to get rid of stretch marks and clear broken capillaries.
Use it to improve skin tone and texture by gently stretching the fibroblast cells, stimulating them to produce better quality and quantity of natural collagen and elastin.
Use it to enhance product absorption.
Use it to expel toxins which are then removed by the lymphatic system.
Use it to refine pores.
Use it to improve micro-circulation.
Use it to lift drooping muscles.
Use it to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.
Use it to drain eye bags and double jaw.
Use it to strengthen the vascular integrity of the face.
Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial MassageIT’S EASY SQUEEZY
There are 2 superior grade medical silicone cups in the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage System. Start with the softer cup, graduate onto the harder cup after a few weeks once your skin becomes elasticized enough.
Apply cleanser, cream or nourishing oil to your face and neck, to facilitate smooth movement. We recommend our Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Skin Get A Life Genie, a powerful treatment lotion that turns into a luxurious oil, containing the treatment modalities of Homeopathic and Aromatherapeutic complexes to stimulate skin renewal and repair.
Squeeze the cup in the middle, then place the cup’s lips to your skin and release. Congratulations you’ve just given yourself your first Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly kiss. Now , remember to keep the cup moving to avoid bruising!
Massage according to the diagram provided.
Tone your skin afterwards. Use 2 – 3 times a week for best results.

By improving blood circulation with the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage to the skin and by gently stimulating the fibroblast cells, natural collagen and elastin is produced and improved. Your skin will reveal a healthy glow and expression lines are plumped up! Massage the face and neck according to the diagram provided. Apply your favorite toner and anti ageing moisturizer after the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage completion.
Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial MassageA WORD OF WARNING
If the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage Cup is left in one area too long, a temporary ‘cup kiss’ can occur. It’s similar to a ‘love bite’, not sore but unsightly on a grown woman. So exercise care. If you are concerned about how your skin might react, test the product on a part of your body that is not normally exposed. use it for longer than two seconds on each area of your skin, then gradually increase the time to no longer than one minute as you gain experience.
Do not use the Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage cup on pimples, blemishes, open lesions, sunburned or broken skin or on skin inflammations.
Drink plenty of water to help your body cleanse itself.
Purchase Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly Facial Massage System now. Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly ships worldwide. For more information feel free to contact us.
Happy Cupping!

Dr Kumar Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic Bareilly
Skin problems, Acne Scars, Dark Spots, Fine Lines, 
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Saturday 12 to 6pm

Book appointment: 8859573006
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Address: 945 Katra Chand Khan, Opposite to Church, 
Near Sattelite Bus Stand, Bareilly, 
Uttar Pradesh 243001
Cell: 8859573006, 8630404252
Whatsapp No: 8859573006

Tags: Best Skin Hair & Cosmetic Clinic in Bareilly, 
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Psoriasis Doctors, Alopecia Doctors, Pimple Treatment Doctors, Pimple Treatment.


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about silicone facial lifting massage cups with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!


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